Far Far Away.......in Cyber Space
The last few months have been hectic to say the least. I've recruited more people into my team, actually managed to LAUNCH Base One Search (after what seems like a lifetime!) and also launched a movie for the launch campaign of the site.
The movie is called "SEO Wars" , starring:
Rand Fishkin as Rand LinkWalker
Fantomaster as Darth CloakMaster
Greg Jarbo as SEOda
Matt Cutts as Googlesaurus
The plot:
Far far away............... in cyber space, the Jedis (white hat SEOs) and Siths (black hat SEOs) are fighting for the best rankings in the mighty Googletrons results pages. In the first series of SEO Wars we see the mighty Darth Cloakmaster take on Rand LinkWalker and gets rudely interrupted by SEOda....
It was so much fun making this movie so even if its not a hit it would be worth it. If you want to view the movie please visit the B Search Blog
Let me know what you think =)
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