Friday, March 02, 2007

MSN adCenter Keyword Forecaster

This is a pretty cool new keyword tool from Microsoft adCenter Labs - Keyword Forecaster

Giving monthly history trend based on impressions as well as predictions. Especially useful for comparing keywords. Fair enough it's from Mircrosoft and it would have been ten times better if the data was from Google (sad but true) it's still a great tool for trends and comparing keywords. I like it!!

What do you think?

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At March 04, 2007 4:38 pm, Blogger Darren Moloney said...

As you say shame its not from Google but this is the first tool from Msn thats actually got me quite excited. I love the breakdown in Gender though I wonder how they capture that kind of data unless they are only using searches from "registered" users...

Nice find and cheers for the link!


At March 06, 2007 4:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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