Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Copywriting for SEO

Our wonderful copywriter, Noel, came across this fantastic blog. It's a blog for copywriters with loads of great tips and news about writing great link worthy copy.

Check out
SEO copywriting from Copyblogger, love it!

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Where did January go?

Can't believe it's the end of January. This month has just flown by, appologise for being rubbish at blogging. Intentions were there at the start of the year, seriously will get back into it. It's not like I have a writers block, have a million things I want to blog about just not enough hours in the day.

Great news is that I will finally get a
base one search website, not part of the interactive site like currently, but ALL about Search...Very excited. Have started drawing up the wire frames and planning some of the content. Just need to have a battle with the web-designer now to get it all optimum search friendly. Chris I hope you are ready for this =) So watch this space..

Only 2 weeks until
SES London, now this is going to be a cracking line-up. Matt Cutts, Rand Fishkin, Elisabeth Osmeloski, Chris Sherman and oh so many more. Wow this is really going to be the search event of the year, I'm stupidly excited =)

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

B2B Marketing website - up and beyond!?

One of my clients, B2B Marketing, are trying to increase their site traffic by doing SEO and PPC advertising, albeit SEO work has not yet started as I'm doing research based on PPC stats for the last month first.

Basically they want to become a one point source for information and articles about B2B Marketing, also covering jobs within B2B Marketing (eventually), Marketing Events and integreate a B2B Marketing forum called the B2B Hub within their site. They also want to increase subsciption to their offline magazine.

Now, I personally think this site has great potential. The offline B2B Marketing Magazine are doing well, yet the traffic to their site is still relatively low, and the conversions (number of people signing up for subscription is not great). So what I'm asking you guys, what do you think can be done to improve the site? If you look through the homepage, does it grab your interest? Does it seem relevant and insightful? Is it anything that you think is uncessary?

Appreciate any comments, cheers guys!!

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Monday, January 08, 2007

Welcome to Bethan!

I have invited Bethan Jenkins to contribute to my blog. She works in my team at Base One Search and is on a years placement from University of Bristol studying Marketing. Bethan is currently working with me on SEO projects and is learning about the faboulous world of search!

I have set Bethan a first blog task to research and write about "Social Search", be gentle everyone =)


Friday, January 05, 2007

SES London here I come!!

Search Engine Strategies conference is coming to London the 13-14th of February. And I have finally convinced my bosses that I should be going..to all three days. Ok it's a bit geeky, but I am genuinly excited about this event. Can't wait to meet loads of fellow SEO geeks and talk talk talk.

I will also be going to the London SEO piss up crowd party on Thursday the 15th which evilgreenmonkey is organising. Venue is to be confirmed.

So who's going? Leave a message if you want to meet up during the conference!

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Search Marketing Standard Magazine

First of all I must admit it's kind of nice being back at work, it was a nice Christmas break and everything but it's so nice to feel productive again. Doing nothing is really not that fun after a while =)

This morning I received my first issue of Search Marketing Standard Magazine. I came across their website just before Christmas and thought I'd give it a go. It's really the only offline specialist Search Marketing magazine out there. I got sent the winter 06/07 issue. And although it's not the most comprehensive magazine it has some really good content. A great article about Social Search Engines, a product review of two keyword research tools and a great article by my favourite SEOmozzer Rand Fishkin; about how to grow your SEO staff. Overall I think the magazine has great potential, although it's a little too US orientated (and a little advertising heavy). But, it's very reasonable priced at only $15 for a years subsription (4 issues).
Has anyone else read this magazine, thoughts?

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Search Engine Marketing Glossary

Came across this Search Engine Marketing Glossary on the SEO Book site, it's really useful. Actually quiet a good read.

Nice one Aaron!

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